January statistics

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The first month of the year has passed so fast but it was a great start into the year 2013 and I can’t wait for the next eleven months to come!
In January I got my first GPS watch, the Garmin Forerunner 110 and my first ChampionChip from Mika Timing. Furthermore I signed up for the 20th Stuttgart Lauf which will be my first half marathon this year. I’ll be running it with a dear friend of mine– it will be her first 21k and I’m excited to support her on her way!
But first I have to make my own way and increase my weekly kilometres!  


Running: 7x / 48 km
Dancing: 4x / 5 hours 30 minutes
Strength training: 3x / 75 minutes
Squash: 1x / 30 minutes


3 thoughts on “January statistics

  1. Ein wirklich sehr schöner erster Satz, der dich hoffentlich auch so durch die nächsten Monate bringt. Und jea! Dein erster ChampionChip.

  2. Pingback: February statistics |

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